
溪頭歡慶50歲  10元門票、林下經濟成果展吸客


    國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林管理處於109 年7月1日歡慶71週年處慶,同時也是溪頭森林遊樂區成立50週年,為歡慶20歲,溪頭園區特別推出10元門票優惠方案,另也舉辦林下經濟成果展,推廣台灣農產品。











Xiitou Forest Recreation Area celebrates 50 years, and announces the 10-yuan tickets to attracts guests and show off the forest’s economic achievements

NTU Experimental Forest celebrated 71 years of age on July 1st, 2020, which was also the 50th anniversary of Xitou Forest Recreation Area. To celebrate its anniversary, Xitou Forest Recreation Area specially launched a 10-yuan ticket discount plan, and organized an exhibition of economic achievements to promote Taiwan's agricultural products.


The most famous university pool in the Xitou Forest Recreation Area. (Picture/taken from the official website of Xitou Forest Recreation Area)



In order to fulfill the social responsibilities of universities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Experimental Forest has been developing the "Understory Economy” since 2019. The Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University has conducted scientific research on understory beekeeping and Dianmu mushrooms, formulated standard operating procedures, developed smart beehives to provide forest farmers’ with investment opportunities, signed industry-university cooperation with the Bee Story House, and developed cross-university cooperative programs to develop understory economic by-products such as mushroom chocolate and mushroom moon cakes, so that forest farmers and community partners have a better income.

