




由國立臺大生物產業傳播暨發展學系副教授王淑美,跨域整合臺灣大學、成功大學、中正大學及中研院等國內頂尖團隊,所培育的發光植物:「減碳精靈」於10月15日獲行政院國科會「2022未來科技獎」。同時也一舉拿下2022美國Muse design award三項大獎。



這三項大獎分別是:「光學設計/農業光學」金獎、「產品設計/永續環境」金獎及「產品設計/未來科技」白金獎。Muse design award 號稱設計界的奧斯卡獎,國內曾獲獎作品有台北101大樓、陶朱隱園與高雄愛河的燈光設計。「減碳精靈」更是首次以農作物為主題的獲獎作品。







A new paradigm for world agriculture: carbon sink, art, glowing plant



Associate Prof. Shu-mei, Wang of Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development (NTU) had convened a expert team from of NCKU, CCU and NCSIST to nurture glowing plant : Carbon-sinking Angel. It has won2022 Future Tech Award by the NSTC. At the same time, it prized 2022 Muse design award. The other winners of Taiwan are Taipei 101 building, Love River begins of Kaohsiung City. Carbon-sinking Angel is the first winner focusing on agriculture.

The team of NTU, NCKU, CCU and NCSIST prized 2022 Muse design award



The research finding is that Carbon dioxide fixation of plants operated by leaf vein absorption technology increases not only 40 % in efficiency but also to help the growth of plants. The innovate materials come from leaf vein absorption technology by NCKU and NCSIST and high entropy semiconductor oxides by high entropy semiconductor oxides by NCKU and CCU. NTU promotes the skill and practices in agriculture. The formula is in the international trends of carbon sink, and qualified the Regulation (EC) and the U.S. patent.



Glowing plant won 2022 Muse design award
