
台大實驗林辦「設計工作坊」 伴手禮融入原民文化創意







台大實驗林與國立虎尾科技大學休閒遊憩系、國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系師生及信義鄉原民青年,94日至9日共同執行「2020 台大實驗林與鄰近鄉鎮共榮計畫特色木作伴手禮研習工坊及原民新風格服飾及配件設計工坊」,於實驗林木材利用實習工廠及和社營林區展開65夜的課程研習,內容包含創意發想、樣品設計與製作。










National Taiwan University Experimental Forest runs a "Design Workshop" to create souvenirs that integrate indigenous culture and creativity


National Taiwan University Experimental Forest has been actively developing local indigenous culture for many years, coexisting and co-prospering with local communities. At the beginning of this month, a workshop was held to cultivate sustainable cultural talents. Not only did this event invite a number of lecturers to teach courses on indigenous culture and design, but also through communicating with local aboriginal youths, this event designed and produced wooden work products of indigenous culture and selected winning works as featured souveniers. Through such efforts, the university can practice social responsibility.


The lecturers and trainees who participated in the design workshop of contemporary, indigenous style clothing and accessories took a group photo at the graduation ceremony.

