
我家蟲住民-居家蟲蟲特展的最後兩場科普系列講座在 3 月 26 日圓滿結束了,我們感受到大朋友、小朋友滿滿的熱情,謝謝大家的參與!

26 日上午的講座由台大公共衛生學系蔡坤憲教授帶領大家入門認識各種蚊子,我們看到了像金腹巨蚊、海氏掠蚊等大蚊子,雖然嚇人但牠們其實不會叮人,反而














The last two popular science forums in the arthropod housemate series were held on March 26. We appreciate the warmth and feedback we received from the participants. 

The morning session was led by professor Tsai Kun-Shian from Department of Public Health at NTU. Professor Tsai gave a brief introduction on mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes are large in size but do not sting, and they eat the larvae of other mosquitoes and therefore contribute to pest control. Professor Tsai also introduced the living habitats of commonly seen mosquitoes, which could be used as an indicator on the sanitary condition of the environment. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that regular cleaning of water containers can prevent transmission of Dengue virus, Zika virus, and Chikungunya virus, all of which are carried by mosquitoes.   

The afternoon session featured professor Lee Hao-Ching, a retired professor at Department of Entomology, NTU. Professor Lee started the session with an introduction to the anatomy of cockroaches and their unique features that helped cockroaches survive 3 billion years on Earth. Cockroaches can move and climb even when they lose part of their appendages, and they are able to compress their bodies to fit into most spaces. Another example of cockroach strangeness is their biological clock. Professor Lee explained that we experience jetlag when traveling abroad by plane, whereas, in ancient times, people did not experience jetlag when traveling long-distance on horses because the travelling time was longer, providing sufficient time for the body to adjust to each time zone along the way. Cockroaches, on the other hand, can adjust efficiently to various time zones and do not experience jetlag.

We hope that everyone who attended the forum and visited the exhibition learned something about how closely insects and our lives are intertwined. We thank the National Museum of Natural Science, College of Bioresources & Agriculture, National Taiwan University Agricultural Exhibition Hall, and Department of Entomology at National Taiwan University for co-hosting this exhibition.
