



「培育學生」一直是張上鎮特聘教授心中懷有的熱忱,於是1991年毅然決然辭去臺灣省林業試驗所系主任職位回母系任教。張教授體認世界林業研究趨勢,為了保護臺灣土地,減少砍伐樹木,長期致力於臺灣森林資源之永續利用,積極研究本土樹種林木二次代謝產物之特性與特殊功效,利用林木之葉子和枝條,分析其成分及探討其保健醫療功效,並將研究成果積極推廣應用於產業界,協助廠商在不砍伐樹木及永續利用的前提下擴展森林特產物的應用領域,提高林農之經濟收益,促進相關產業的發展。由於學術研究之傑出表現,於2003年獲選為國際木材科學研究院(International Academy of Wood Science, IAWS)院士,名列2020年度科學影響力全球前2%頂尖科學家,亦曾榮獲93年度、98年度及101年度三次科技部傑出研究獎,一次科技部傑出計畫,兩次科技部特約研究計畫獎勵,榮獲科技部110年度「傑出特約研究員」獎,數次國科會大專學生參與暑期專題研究創作指導獎,臺灣大學研究成就獎,臺灣大學教學優良獎、生農學院教學優良獎等。張教授曾任行政院國家科學委員會「政府科技發展計畫」林業領域召集人、國科會「森林、水保與生態」學門召集人、行政院農業委員會「農業科技前瞻」委員、臺大實驗林管理處處長等,積極熱心參與國內外各項學術研究發展服務工作,貢獻所學,作育英才。張教授認為學術研究重在傳承,每一項研究的發想必然立基於前人的研究成果,同時需要跨領域團隊合作,所以應該態度謙虛,時時感恩。他真誠希望林業研究人員能更加努力,將既有的研究成果及精神傳承下去,為林業開創新的研究應用領域與契機。



Retirement of School of Forestry and Resource Conservation Distinguished Professor Shang-Tzen Chang


Motivated to train the next generation of forestry students, Distinguished Professor Shang-Tzen Chang left Taiwan Forestry Research Institute and began his research and teaching career at the School of Forestry and Resource Conservation in 1991. Prof. ST Chang believes in conservation and sustainable management of Taiwan forest resources. To accomplish this, Prof. ST Chang devotes his research in characteristics, composition, and medicinal functionality of secondary metabolites in indigenous tree leaves and branches. The aim is to collaborate with industries and communities to promote and expand utilization of forest resources for sustainable forest management. Prof. ST Chang accomplishment has led him to be selected as a fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) in 2003 and to be named as the World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2020. He has also earned numerous research awards most notably 2004, 2009, and 2012 Outstanding Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Taiwan, MOST Appointed Outstanding Research Fellow Award in 2021. Prof. ST Chang has also won numerous teaching and research awards at National Taiwan University. He also sat and led many national research and development committees. Prof. ST Chang believes that current research is possible because we are “standing on the shoulders of giants” and knowledge should be entrusted to our future generation. Furthermore, interdisciplinary collaboration, humility, and gratitude are also key elements to research. Prof. ST Chang earnestly hope that current and future researchers will continue to devote themselves to research and pass on knowledge to others to advance our forestry sectorand explore new possibility.

Figure 1. Distinguished Professor Shang-Tzen Chang giving a research presentation.

Figure 2. A teacher’s day dinner event with Distinguished Professor Shang-Tzen Chang and his students.
