










校方表示未來三個學院將繼續規劃合作,利用沉浸式投影實驗空間結合各自所長,持續打造虛實互動、跨域共作的智慧校園場域;此空間亦將對外界開放,例如戲劇系多名學生共同創作《動物狂歡節》,內容以聖桑(Camille Saint-Saëns)的音樂為素材,進行立體影像展演,將成為場域定目劇,配合鄰近中小學校外教學參訪時播放,以達到推廣前瞻顯示科技的成效。

Indisciplinary coorperation!

 Future Exhibition Hall was opened on 30 Aug and brought whole new teaching style


The College of Bioresources and Agriculture (BICD) has always committed to combining the strengths of various fields to expand the development of more fields with new technologies. The immersive projection exhibition space - "Future Exhibition Hall" was officially opened in the Experimental Theater of the Foreign Language Teaching Center. The BICD conformed to school, operating the project with other two college, the EECS and theLiberal. With the new performed area opening, not only drama and dancing can performed in a better visual effect and platform, but also good for the freedom and diversity of innovation education.

Coorperating with the EECS, BICD had launched a exhibition,Immerse in Kavalan : Touring Taipinshan and Enjoying Kumquat. By innovative technology, promoting the industry of Taipinshan’s kumquat in Taipei downtown. This exhibition uses MR technology, 360-degree photography and multi-sensory wrap-around experience, with aromas, sound of insects and birds, taste and other behaviors to stimulate the senses of smell, hearing, taste. The appearance of the kumquat industry not only in Yilan, but also in the " Future Exhibition Hall " of the Foreign Teachers Center.
