
莊慶達盼農經專業融入海洋議題 龍崗莊園供學生體驗農村文化




    位於新北市貢寮區的龍崗莊園園內設有菜園、果園、魚池、養雞場及觀賞性植物區,今年1月31日至2月1日,莊慶達邀請農經系國際學生參與一日農夫體驗活動,農經系碩二美籍學生李新宇(Brian Lee)即為參與者之一,除實地親近泥土、協助整理花園,亦造訪了貢寮區其它莊園,深刻體驗北台灣農業文化。










C. D. Chuang is looking forward to the integration of agricultural economics into marine issues. His Longong Farm provides an opportunity for students to experience rural culture. 

Dr. C.D. Chuang, deputy minister of Ocean Affairs Council and alumni of the Department of Agricultural Economics, NTU, paid attention to agriculture and ocean issues, and ran Longgang Farm to let students experience rural life for in-depth understanding of Taiwan's agricultural culture. Dr. Chuang kindly invited all international students from the Department of Agricultural Economics to experience one day as a farmer. He also invited the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Economics Society of Taiwan to visit the Ocean Affairs Council. He looked forward to the integration of agricultural economics into marine issues.


Dr. Chuang received a team led by L. F. Lei, the department head of the Department of Agricultural Economics, and Y. H. Chen, the chairman of the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan, who visited the Ocean Affairs Council on 6th February. Both parties expressed their expectation that the Department of Agricultural Economics can provide assistance or professional advice from the IOC in the fields of marine conservation, marine industry, marine economy, and marine science; the Rural Economics Society of Taiwan may also cooperate in research projects, seminars, or forums. The committee establishes cooperative relations, incorporates issues in the marine field, and publishes papers in the journals issued by the two groups, so as to enhance the research results of the IOC.


Both parties expressed their expectation that the Department of Agricultural Economics can provide assistance or professional advice on marine conservation, marine industry, marine economy, and marine science
