
促農業轉型 臺大先端智農實驗室開課培育無人機飛手 


    近年全球人口快速增長,但糧食生產力提升之速率卻不及人口擴張,其中臺灣農業人口老化與人力資源不足更是限制生產力之提升之主因。為克服問題,臺大生物資源暨農學院「先端智農實驗室」(Apex Agricultural Intelligence (AAI) Lab) 在臺大安康農場舉辦5天的無人機飛手證照培訓課程,致力打造農業科技人才。




    近年來農業領域引入工業4.0的概念,試圖在原有的生產模式下,輔以人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)的方式減輕人力負擔,並增進生產效率,其中無人機(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)為重點發展的項目之一。















AAI lab hosted drone pilot training course at NTU


In recent years, the global population has grown rapidly, but food production is slower than population growth. In this background, aging agricultural labor population and a lack of human resources in Taiwan are the main causes limiting the increase in production. In order to overcome the above-mentioned problems, the concept of Industry 4.0 has been introduced into agriculture in recent years. On the basis of traditional production modes, artificial intelligence (AI) is used to replace human labor and improve production efficiency. Among AI, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are one of the most important development projects.


In response to the government's new policy for drones, the Apex Agricultural Intelligence (AAI) Laboratory in the College of Bioresources & Agriculture at National Taiwan University held a five-day training course for drone certification. The course includes an introduction to drones, basic flight principles, aviation meteorology, and aviation law. The all-inclusive course highlights the need for cross-domain integration of drone applications.

The week's intensive training not only allowed us to have a basic understanding of drones from scratch, but also found that the operation of drones requires a considerable amount of flying hours in order to become familiar with it. The acquisition of drone driving licenses is not easy, and there are heavy responsibilities for operating a drone. Thanks to the great support from GEOSAT Aerospace & Technology Inc., we hope that more students can participate in this course, which can be one of the key steps in the gradual move towards Agriculture 4.0.

