

美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(UW-Madison)農業與應用經濟系系主任施冠名教授(Dr. Guanming Shi),應本院農經系張宏浩系主任之邀請,於2022年12月16日訪問農經系。此次施主任來訪之主要目的為討論未來兩系研究人員互訪與交流之計畫,以及洽談兩系之3+1"國際訪問學生學程"(Visiting International Student Program, VISP)合作協議書。

在與系上教師深度交流之外,施主任亦向農經系學生介紹其國際訪問學生學程。該學程可讓與UW-Madison合作之重點大學的三年級學生,經由母校推薦前往UW-Madison就讀。在取得畢業資格後,並有機會優先申請進入UW-Madison之相關研究所。該計畫可望於2023年秋季正式啟動,將更有利台大農經系學生前往國際頂尖大學深造與交流。最後,施主任亦以“Two Tigers in One Mountain: Are There Implicit Collusions in the U.S. Corn Seed Market?”為題,為系上教師與研究生進行專題演講。


UW-Madison系主任Dr. Guanming Shi(右三)與農經系張宏浩主任(右二)和教師們合影

Dr. Guanming Shi與農經系教師討論學術合作與學生國際交流計畫

Dr. Guanming Shi與農經系師生進行專題演說並介紹國際訪問學生學程學程

Dr. Guanming Shi (University of Wisconsin-Madison) visited the Department of Agricultural Economics

On December 16th, 2022, the Department of Agricultural Economics (AGEC) at National Taiwan University welcomed Professor Guanming Shi, Chair of the Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics (AAE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison), for a visit. Dr. Shi was greeted by Dr. Hung-Hao Chang, Chair of the AGEC department, and several faculty members. During the visit, both sides discussed opportunities for faculty and student exchange programs, with a focus on the 3+1 Visiting International Student Program (VISP) at UW-Madison. Dr. Shi presented the program, which allows 3rd year AGEC students at NTU to finish their final year at UW-Madison, and provides fast-track opportunities for enrollment in graduate programs offered by the AAE at UW-Madison. A Memorandum of Understanding for the VISP is currently under discussion and is expected to be implemented in the Fall of 2023. After the meeting with faculty members, Dr. Shi also presented a seminar titled "Two Tigers in One Mountain: Are There Implicit Collusions in the U.S. Corn Seed Market?" for graduate students and faculty members.


Founded in 1848, UW-Madison is considered one of the top universities in the United States, and is known as a "Public Ivy." There has been a long-standing relationship between the AAE at UW-Madison and the AGEC at NTU, with many NTU AGEC alumni pursuing their careers in the AAE at UW-Madison, including two current faculty members of AGEC at NTU: Dr. Yu-Hui Chen and Dr. Fung-Mey Huang. The two departments look forward to deepening their cooperation with this successful visit.

UW-Madison系主任Dr. Guanming Shi(右三)與農經系張宏浩主任(右二)和教師們合影

Dr. Guanming Shi與農經系教師討論學術合作與學生國際交流計畫

Dr. Guanming Shi與農經系師生進行專題演說並介紹國際訪問學生學程學程
