


昆蟲系系學會主辦 台大校慶昆蟲系活動與你蟲聚-社會性昆蟲展,於11月15日下午四點完美落幕。11月15日是台大94週年校慶,由昆蟲系舉辦的「與你蟲聚—社會性昆蟲展」也在早上九點開放入場觀展。這次展覽以昆蟲的社會性作為主軸,精緻的解說海報搭配對應昆蟲的標本或活體,以及導覽員詳細的介紹,帶著大家了解「社會性」的定義。本次展覽同時安排兩場藉由專業導覽員講解,帶領來賓一一認識蜂、黑艷蟲、紅姬緣椿象、足絲蟻、白蟻和螞蟻等不同的社會性昆蟲。展場內也展出蜜蜂巢片與整巢熊蜂,讓大家實際觀察真社會性昆蟲的日常生活。在導覽的尾聲,還有特製的「蜂糧餅乾」體驗,讓來賓親口品嘗蜜蜂的食物。相信透過此次展覽能讓大家對於昆蟲的社會性能有更深一層的認識,未來我們也會不定期推出相關活動,還請大家繼續關注!最後,感恩籌備活動辛苦的系學會成員們、協助辦展的學長姊們,還有展覽當天的工作人員與導覽員,大家的努力讓這次展覽得以順利舉辦



"Gathering with You - Social Insect Exhibition" hosted by Department of Entomology


On 15 November, the Entomology Department of NTU organized a special exhibit on social insects. Celebrating the 94th anniversary of National Taiwan University, the exhibition entitled "Gathering with You - Social Insect Exhibition" used the sociality of insects as the main axis, featuring exquisite narrative posters accompanied by pinned specimens and live insects to help all attendees understand the definition of "sociality." This exhibition also arranged two sessions with professional guides, leading the guests to learn about different social insects such as bees, ants, and termites. Whole nests of bees were on display in the exhibition venue, allowing everyone to observe the daily life of eusocial insects. At the end of the tour, there was also a special "bee bread cookie" experience for guests to taste the bees' food for themselves. Related activities are planned to be launched from time to time in the future, so please keep paying attention!
