

生工系與農業部於112年9月6日假台大農經大講堂舉辦「2023年農業淨零減碳技術與管理創新國際研討會」(2023 International Symposium on Agricultural Net-Zero Carbon Technology and Management Innovation),共同對農業淨零碳排相關政策、技術及管理等面向進行國際交流與經驗分享,以加速推動我國農業淨零減碳之施行,促進我國與國際間的合作與交流,一同邁向2050淨零碳排之目標。本次會議邀請農業部資源永續利用司莊老達司長進行主題演講,並邀請11位國內外專家學者進行專題演講,包括澳洲雪梨科技大學Huu Hao Ngo教授、韓國首爾國立大學Jin-Yong Choi、韓國延世大學Sang-Hyoun Kim教授、韓國國家農業科學院Seung-Oh Hur研究員/所長、日本近畿大學Yutaka Matsuno教授、日本京都大學Taira Hidaka教授及印度理工大學Sovik Das教授等,本次會議之成果豐碩讓與會人員受益良多。


2023 International Symposium on Agricultural Net-Zero Carbon Technology and Management Innovation

In September 2023, the Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, NTU and the Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture jointly organized the "International Symposium on Agricultural Net-Zero Carbon Technology and Management Innovation" at the National Taiwan University. The symposium served as a platform for international exchange on various aspects of agricultural net-zero emissions, including policies, technologies, and management practices. The goal was to accelerate the implementation of net-zero emissions initiatives domestically and promote cooperation and exchange between Taiwan and the international community, ultimately working towards the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.The symposium invited the Ministry of Agriculture Director of the Resource Sustainable Utilization Division of Lao-Dar JUANG to deliver a keynote speech and invited 11 domestic and international experts and scholars to deliver specialized presentations. The fruitful outcomes of the symposium greatly benefited the participants.

