





禾馨宜蘊生殖中心院長陳菁徽也表示,自2021 年7 月開始,政府祭出補助進行人工生殖試管嬰兒療程的優惠政策來挽救臺灣人口出生率。然而人工生殖試管嬰兒的治療有別於一般醫療體系,為一高度仰賴試管嬰兒實驗室的醫療工作,精卵受精及胚胎發育的各項重要程序皆仰賴胚胎師的操作,故胚胎師的專業技術涵養實為決定懷孕成敗最重要的關鍵之一!


「試管嬰兒胚胎師種子培育計畫」是由臺大生技所教授宋麗英擔任學程主持人,禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室(Nuwa Lab)技術總監暨研發長呂仲浩博士擔任學程召集人。透過宋教授「進階動物生物技術」及「胚胎顯微操作與應用」二門課程,再加上呂博士召集胚胎實驗室及生殖醫師團隊教授「Nuwa Lab 實際操作訓練」,結合禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室(Nuwa Lab)的臨床實務領域資源,成為一套系統訓練試管嬰兒胚胎師養成的學程。




禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室(Nuwa Lab)技術總監暨研發長呂仲浩博士也表示,針對修習此學程考核成績優異者將給予:一、試管嬰兒胚胎師種子培育計畫-學程核可證明;二、優異獎學金;三、優先錄取禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室胚胎師。目前已有錄取此學程的優異學生至禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室培訓,在台中及桃園的禾馨宜蘊胚胎實驗室都各有一位試管嬰兒胚胎師種子培育計畫畢業的優異碩士生,擔任訓練胚胎師,讓學生學以致用,落實產學結合之宗旨。











The first "Test-tube Baby Embryologist Training Project" in Asia


The industry-university cooperation between " Nuwa Lab, Nuwa Fertility Center" and "Animal Reproductive Technology Laboratory, Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University" established the first "IVF Embryologist Seed Cultivation Project" in Asia, and held a press conference on January 10. Lin Qun, chairman of NUWA Biomedical INC., and Song Li-Ying, a professor at the Institute of Biotechnology, NTU, co-hosted the achievement presentation ceremony. Academic theory and reproductive technology are in line with the industrial practice of "Nuwa Lab" to cultivate a new generation of embryologists with expertise in reproductive medicine.


Lin Qun said that observing the international trend of reproductive medicine, laboratory practice-related courses in embryology are offered for master's degrees in research institutes in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. However, this type of courses is lacked but needed in Taiwan. Through the combination of industrial practice and academic training, it is expected to facilitate a new generation of talents in human IVF. We hope to become a solid foundation for improving Taiwan's low birth rate and nurturing a healthy next generation.


Chen Jing-Hui, director of the Nuwa Fertility Center, also said that starting from July 2021, the government will offer preferential policies to subsidize artificial reproductive IVF treatment to enhance Taiwan's birth rate. However, the treatment of artificial reproductive IVF is different from the general medical system. It is highly dependent on the medical work of the IVF laboratory. The important procedures of sperm-egg fertilization and embryo development depend on the operation of embryologists. Therefore, the professional skills of embryologists are actually one of the most important keys to determine the success or failure of pregnancy!


The initiated project is hosted by Professor Song Li-Ying, and Dr. Lu Chong-Hao, the technical director and R&D director of Nuwa Lab. Through the courses taught by Professor Song, and the "Nuwa Lab practical training" taught by Dr. Lu, the resources in the field of clinical practice in the laboratory have become a set of courses for systematical training of IVF embryologists.


Professor Song said that she looks forward to have the first professional training program in Asia to systematically cultivate IVF embryologists through this industry-university cooperation, training courses and degrees for embryologists, and to establish a system for domestic high-tech industrial talents.


Dr. Lu also said that for those who have achieved excellent results in the assessment of courses, they will be given: 1. Certificate; 2. Scholarship; 3. Priority for the admission of embryologists in Nuwa Lab. At present, outstanding students admitted to this program have been trained. Both the Nuwa Lab in Taichung and Taoyuan have an outstanding master student who graduated from the program. As a trained embryologist, let students apply what they have learned, and implement the purpose of combining industry and learning.


Dr. Lu also hoped that through this initiative, academic resources and clinical practice applications can be more closely combined to drive the development of the reproductive medicine industry, and then cultivate high-end reproductive technology talents that meet the needs of the industry. This Project has become a pioneer in cultivating IVF embryologist talents in Asia, continuously improving the soft power of Taiwan's reproductive medicine industry, expanding international competitiveness, and giving birth to more healthy next generations for Taiwan.









